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Club Member Login

Note: The information on this page may not represent the current requirements (but it’s close). Please contact the membership chairperson for more information.
Types of Membership…

- Individual
- Associate
- Family
- Charter (lifetime)
To become a DGOTC member, you must meet the following requirements:
- Attend two advanced obedience (subnovice or above) or agility (advanced beginner or above) classes at DGOTC. Note that attendance in a conformation handling class does not qualify as an advanced class.
- Submit an application for membership, recommended by two members in good standing. Your annual dues will accompany this application. Application will be read at two meetings, voted upon at the second meeting
- Attend one DGOTC meeting.
- Obtain vote of majority of members present. Vote may be conducted at meeting where application is read for second time, so long as applicant has attended one meeting and met other requirements).
Note that to be eligible for family membership, each member of the family must complete all requirements.
What DGOTC membership entitles you to:
- The ability to participate in activities which promote canine companionship
- Free, unlimited obedience and agility training classes as available
Click here for a membership application (PDF)
Attention DGOTC members: membership renewal for 2006 is now due!!
If you have not yet renewed your DGOTC membership, please do so as soon as possible. The deadline is February 28, after which renewals are no longer accepted. At that point, you would need to reapply for membership — what a drag that would be! Don’t lose out on the benefits that come with membership: free classes, participation in our doggy events and great friendships! Send the renewal form and your check (normal membership is only $35) to: Maggie Komosinski, 4443 Chase Park Court, Annandale VA 22003. Call Maggie if you have any questions (703-941-1332).